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«Ректорат» на ОТР с А.В.Торкуновым: Студенческое технологическое предпринимательство
Открытие III Форума «Дело первых»
Актуальные аспекты проблематики лоббизма в Российской Федерации
Курилкина Екатерина Алексеевна
студентка 3 курса факультета Международной журналистики
119454 Москва, проспект Вернадского, 76.
Email: kata.kurilkina.mail@gmail.com
Аннотация: данная научная статья исследует актуальные аспекты проблематики лоббизма в Российской Федерации. Лоббизм, как политический инструмент, оказывает значительное влияние на формирование политических и экономических решений в сфере законодательства. Однако, в контексте России, лоббизм также связывается с вопросами коррупции и неэтичного поведения, что затрудняет прозрачность и справедливость влияния лоббистских групп на принятие решений. Статья анализирует взаимодействие между интересами бизнеса, власти и общества в контексте лоббистской деятельности на конкретных примерах, а также рассматривает процесс формирования института в ретроспективе, и ставит вопрос необходимости регулирования лоббизма.
Ключевые слова: лоббизм, PR, связи с общественностью, Российская Федерация, законодательная власть, регулирование, политика, законодательство, интересы, власть, бизнес, общественность, государство, общество, транспарентность, коррупция, влияние.
Ekaterina A. Kurilkina
3rd year student of the Faculty of International Journalism MGIMO MFA Russia.
MGIMO 119454, Moscow Vernadsky Prospekt, 76.
e-mail: kata.kurilkina.mail@gmail.com
Abstract: the article examines the relevant aspects pertaining to the phenomenon of lobbying in Russia. First of all, it should be emphasized that lobbying is a practice of influencing public authorities with an incentive of motivating them to make certain decisions, which is not regulated by Russian legislation. In this regard, a number of questions arise about how to ensure equal rights to various subjects of lobbying activities, how to organize public control over lobbying activities and how to establish feedback between lobbying subjects and public authorities. Obviously, this problem requires regulation at the legislative level. Influential groups can pressure policy-making and decision-making processes. However, to ensure transparency and fairness in such processes, it is necessary to establish a set of rules and regulations that control the activities of lobbyists and stakeholders. This article explores possible forms of lobbying, potential opportunities, as well as precedents of this activity. The question is stated: how does lobbying affect the political process, manifested in its representative, informational functions. There is a widespread view that there is a high risk of lobbyists using connections with politicians to obtain illegal benefits, such as bribes or other forms of corruption, which does not mean that all lobbyists are a priori engaged in corruption. Lobbying promotes the adoption of legislation that is required for the development of business and the economy as a whole, which, subsequently, can improve the living conditions of society as a whole, which is why its development is so important. Based on the experience of other countries, lobbying helps to represent different points of view at the legislative level. Thus, it becomes an objective statement that the correct conduct of such activities can have a positive impact on the institutions of civil society in Russia. This problem is extremely relevant and its solution will broaden the facets of the activity in many directions.
Key words: lobbying, PR, public relations, Russian Federation, legislative power, regulation, politics, legislation, interests, government, business, general public, state, society, transparency, corruption, influence.